hey kids anybody here anybody anybody going once uh twice how about three times guys all right it says we're live so i mean hop into the stream everybody like what the heck you're live wow wow like what the heck did you get a notification you're okay let me announce this real fast let me mute myself too don't want to hear myself let's see here at uh well um at everyone test stream and join up okay we had massive lag earlier today do not know why but what's good brian lee you are the first and you are the only one here along with me it's just me and you bradley what's good man didn't expect anybody to show up anyway bro um it's lonely though pretty lonely here man how's it how does it feel to be the only one here man you're back in athanas welcome i'm back in thanos if another oh what's good man all right okay let me fix this all up okay there we go what's good guys we're just testing the stream out but we're just testing this scene right now because it was like broken earlier today but what's good everybody what's good guys um is it the stream running okay is it smooth because like earlier it didn't even it didn't even like run for me bro like holy i think we should be good now um only let me look real fast where's it at it's better yeah we got 10 people here that's pretty insane man um how's the quality let me check the quality quality is quality content there all right your mic sounded yeah my microphone i did indeed have to blur into it man i'm sorry um but yeah we're going to be live tomorrow guys for sure though okay guys because i know nobody's gonna show up to this stream but we're just gonna fool around and do a little bit of testing right now uh so yeah let me see here uh it says you cannot join the server it's because i'm in a public server man that's probably why yo yo and zylas games what's good guys how's it going all right what's going on everybody uh we're just testing up right now not really doing anything just fooling around a little bit yo super gamer yeet what's good man um you're not late dude we're just kind of testing here um we're not gonna stream minecraft now what's going spies in and yield the best what's good guys we're just testing right now for the people who just come we're just doing a little test thing because earlier the stream was not working at all for some reason and that was really weird so but we should be good now um but we'll be live tomorrow at like 3 30 um hopefully as well don't know why it wasn't working for some reason what's going on uh har man we're gonna stream we're streaming for a bit though guys all right yeah uh let's see what were you saying last stream don't even know dude don't even know myself let's see but what's good thunderhead um as i i think everybody's everything's running smooth um which is good let's see yo rage creations you ross your airpods someone stole them too oh sucks me i mean what what's good monkeys don't you have it like paired you well what kind of phone do you have what kind of phone yeah you should clap me number it depends what kind of phone you have i want to know what phone you have and then i could maybe you know and then if you have like my airpods i have them in my pocket so i just have to six day weekend i have a five day weekend coming up on thursday um and just go to your go to the maps go to devices and i haven't paired um i haven't paired so i i can find wherever the exact location is let's see here um but yeah this is just a little test stream um i went to the person's house and he said no big cap man that's big cap are you brian lee see you later man see you there we'll be left tomorrow all right 3 30 p.m msd all right 3 30 p.m ems msd we'll be live man all right we're just testing today yo uh david when we stream bro uh no you're not late now we're just testing we're not even gonna be streaming for a lot longer i just wanted a test man um they wouldn't give it back that's not very nice of them that's not very nice can't you like get a refund from apple if you have like the protection planners or whatever it is i don't know um or like brand new ones from i don't know uh so i just said i'll buy a new one so oh man that's that sucks okay um airpods are about 150 sam i have um let's see here um let me just check the stream on my phone here real fast um let's see here i hate that more logan fans are coming at of random time i mean i don't see a problem with it don't see a problem where they do this they're literally not fans of logan anymore because logan did bad stuff apparently to him all right let's see here uh but dean will tweet about features too yeah i saw them and i saw them pretty cool um let's see here yeah pretty cool man that's really cool uh 4 400 subs will be uh we'll probably get that robo see tomorrow with some crunchy button caitlyn nah man we're just testing right now because it wasn't working earlier sam um let's see here what's going on at martin's women's stream man what's good martin's uh vip now i'm just gonna go in here for for now man i'm not getting really trolled them uh let's see here oh let's see here but yeah we'll probably hit 4 400 tomorrow if you ask me so we'll probably do that giveaway tomorrow guys so make sure to subscribe okay what's going on amazing welcome bro welcome man i'm sam i'm not sending too enthusiastic right now oh man this guy's gonna arrest me don't care really i'm just i'm just focusing on how the stream's running at this point which is actually kind of good why is my why is it so pixelated hold up am i allowed to change the bitrate to six five zero zero apply okay maybe that will help okay uh you should look what i put in general chat should i look i don't know if i should look or not dude let's see here that's pretty lit that's pretty cool man that's pretty pog and that's that's a lot of pogba in there man all right let's see yo nick on the stream why are you streaming 9pm i'm just testing bro it's actually 8 pm yeah um this last stream with logan was last week that seems very sus i mean thunder red if they literally do anything literally why don't you trust them dude literally they're literally understanding what's going on tech and super gamer eat uh i know how to i know how to tech i just don't do it because i don't have a problem that i really get you know uh what happened to the sun in jailbreak i don't know what did happen to the sun and jailbreak where is it um it's way up there mom okay all right hold up oh hold on let me know what the hell no no no okay um let's see here where is the all right uh you still hate creed not really man okay uh let's see here boys let's go in here um but i think the stream is running pretty smooth anyway why are you you don't need to be showing out the stream it's literally just a test stream so no you're not getting into it all right you're not gonna need it's just a test stream you don't need to share it out i'm literally just testing stuff and trying to make stream better for tomorrow to make the best quality content i can alright let's see here all right what's the sub count even at dude i want to check uh discord youtube how many people are we here we go we got 20 people here which is pretty legit what's going on sandy what's up guns in what's up guys hey boys i'm not gonna be staying for long though just just be real with you guys anyone oh lee man ho helly okay 388 dang we're 12 away from that giveaway guys all right so we'll do that giveaway tomorrow probably if we get there and see him what no gosh uh let's see you get robux i mean come to tomorrow stream at 3 30 um nobody's watching as i specifically i'm just testing right now dude so yeah let's see here i'm just testing i didn't want like i don't really need anybody to come see for 30 minutes somehow maybe dude maybe but yeah if we get to that giveaway um we'll we'll do it tomorrow um for sure on the stream can you do a to8 tomorrow probably not tomorrow man um maybe another day though i might try like on that noobs plus um that noobs plus channel might actually stream other games on there that you guys might like and then if it does good on there i'll do it on the main main channel because i don't really know what to do yet so i might set that account up for streaming uh the new plus one go sub the noobs plus guys all right all right i'm not giving you the code so just stop trying let's see uh what's going on uh smooth what's good man what's good mr smooth for what's good all right what's good all right let's see all right let's hear my noobs all right here we go guys here we go all right let's go and get in here but yeah i think the stream guys my face cam guys is it like blurry or pixelated or anything okay let's go uh q stream rocket league on news plus i mean i could try i could give it a go and send mine okay let's see here um the streams on there you know how that's probably like the 20th row on there so anyway let's see here all right let's go guys let's go all right by the time you share out the stream food every i'm literally gonna have the stream ended all right here we go um bro like well every single robbery dude is literally like this you can't see a thing in here now all right i'll bring george i don't need george all right i mean i highly doubt if anybody uh we'll bring george tomorrow i will bring georgia tomorrow george will be here tomorrow guys all right tomorrow's stream we got george coming okay 5k okay here we go play fortnite on that channel value i don't have father and fortnite doesn't work for me on what streaming really it kind of lags uh but i could try it another time maybe you can't let's see how many people are here i just i don't want to talk like nobody thank 21 people lit guys appreciate it right here all right i'm not going to i'm not going to have you shot this new food because i'm only going to be streaming for like five more minutes i'm just gonna maybe ten more minutes man all right let's see i i died i'm not even trying at this point i'm necklace uh that has a baby head and then the bag as well all right man cool oh man oh man no no but no all right here we go guys does drew simply a burster man for sure bro for sure man yes sir do you yes sir again um sanitize test stream i could have um but what's the point of changing it now um too lazy too man [Music] a late stream at least for me lo i'm just testing meg i'm just testing because earlier today my computer was not working all right it was like hurting bro don't know what was up with my computer i literally couldn't even connect to youtube couldn't i tried i tried on twitch too it couldn't connect to twitch either so my pc was kind of being a bad boy earlier but now we're good what's going to seem with 3089 meg are you really bothering me right now oh my god meg all right all right here we go guys here we go four and i got banned on the app sir for mobile players um yeah i haven't really played fortnite but yeah we should be good now meg i think i should be good now i think the stream is running pretty smooth sam but yeah vegas email for sure for sure the real ones verified what i just want to sing car oh yeah it's the real sema blue coupe for sure man it's the real one it's legit the rule one man it's the rule one okay oh let's see um power points i'm going q will kill cool all right it's 10 12 it's only 8 12 for me man only at 12 for me uh let's see here but yeah we will uh we'll be your live here tomorrow though for sure guys um if it does it because it's working just fine now so if it's working fine now it should work fine tomorrow for me that's in here i don't see why it wouldn't okay let me see him um but yeah i'm cool yes sir we'll be live at the good three there probably the 3 30 mark uh tomorrow equip that weapon come on there we go cool let's see all right so let me get this car here uh what time do you go to bed i usually go to bed like 10 30 my time so like um two and a half hours probably i'll probably go to bed like two and a half hours man so yeah plenty of time for me to do stuff i usually just i don't know honestly i need to charge my phone surprise surprise all right let's see why did pc players always hate uh why do pc players always have the advantage but mobile players don't uh just because mobile's playing out i don't know man i honestly don't know it's just hard to do mobile yo uh shim gamer so i didn't know it's right away welcome bro it's good yeah i don't know why man don't know one ah let's see here all right cool uh let's see all right y'all see you later amir thanks for tuning in for this little bit of time and i'll see you later what do you want now let me think for a second i'm good i'll pass oh all right man i don't even know what i'm doing at this point oh man i don't even know what i'm doing at this point dude oh my gosh we are working with roblox about that are you really that's pretty insane man all right pretty cool bro i'm pretty cool let's see here i go to bed at one or two a.m man that's that's pretty labor i was really pretty late um yeah i'm cool maggie you really put 600 bots on the stream dude what's going on tom cancer what's good man i should be the number one stream on the topic then you know this is actually pretty smooth this stream smoother than normal i feel like if i'm number one on the list dude you already know meg is my oh man where am i at dude worried meg put me at um right there dude right there 700 watching let's go let's go guys uh 12 subs until what are you doing a code or a rest arrest me i don't care you literally can't you're literally trash what's going on po well welcome jermaine poewell welcome to stream dude you literally cannot look at this kid guys look how garbage this man is literally bro literally literally dude just got away with this guy so easy nothing more easy than this dude so easy gosh man this guy's horrible at the game right flute right man all right let's see yo xx golden warrior what's good man what's is going on all right let's see do you listen to mcr little no i don't know i don't even know who that has been i'm not up to date on a lot of stuff man i'm sorry oh man yeah this stream is kind of dead bro oh i was gone and loose was good yeah the stream will have more energy though tomorrow because this is a late stream and i'm just testing didn't expect this made to be on the stream didn't expect to hey we're getting a sub let's go didn't expect to have um didn't expect that 700 people watching so yeah let's see what's going on braden allen and bongos uh wolverine bro do your computer make you better at arsenal for sure man for sure my old computer is just sitting on the ground i took it apart man take it apart it's just on the ground if you want to see it let me know night is almost over a little uh it's currently 8 or 16 p.m so it's gonna be it's gonna be guys yeah let's see he's my favorite deb or semo it's a fake assimo sorry to ruin the hopes man but it's a fake assimo dude the real sema on youtube is verified but he's a really cool uh developer what's going on it's eight for me most people are not here yet it's also eight for me yeah i said a lot of people live in the uk or just like um est so it's like 10 o'clock for some people or it's like past midnight dude sucks for them dude i guess um wow we have a thousand people watching thanks meg thanks meg i really do appreciate you for putting bots on this stream that i don't really need oh man this is meg's the best roma all right here we go guys all right you've been missing out for the past 20 years oh shoot man that's a long time oh all right he got the virus a sema got the virus oof okay what are we out for subs guys we are 10 subs away guys we'll probably do that giveaway tomorrow if we do reach it tomorrow will be the day we do that giveaway if we do and do what flu dude does it sound like i care right now at this point nope man he really thinks i care right now dude on a dead stream like this what's going on you still can't arrest me you want the code it's one two three four five six type it in oh he arrested me it took him a minute you really think one two three four five six is gonna work oh my gosh what do you want it for why why what do you want to check no all right fluted why all right you don't need it all right you don't all right let's see yo other account what's good man um thanks bro i appreciate it man let's see here all right dude boys dude you realize i'm probably gonna end the stream like 10 minutes so there's literally no point in advertising all right let's see you're in a server by myself oof man all right let's see here and on we go yo nick my network yes sir all right this is it's totally legit man like the likes like if you look at the likes man it evenly matches up dude uh let's see bro my channel got hidden uh for my channel or what well um i'll have to check what your name is all right i am asking nicely [Applause] huh yo kade wheeler what's good man uh shaheen what's good listen to this fluted i'm what's the point of advertising when i'm only gonna be live for not even a half hour you know what's the point what is the point i'm going to literally private i'm probably going to delete this stream right after no point imagine yeah like yeah i can't it can't be mean like my network can't be me bro it can't be me all right also guys let me know um we're some you guys want to make me overlays for the stream too uh on our uh uh scene there all right best seaman i'm making a public stream no i'm not gonna make a 30 minute stream public all right no i'm not no i'm not flu no i'm not all right no i'm not what is the meaning of life let's see can i have robux yo shaheen tomorrow at 3 30 p.m msd probably gonna do a robust giveaway because right now we are uh how many subs right now we are um we are 11 subscribers away from the giveaway and we usually gain about 30 subscribers a day so yeah oh from reviewing the update little dude i hate like i don't do update reviews because what's i don't do update reviews i just don't because it's literally so lame and so boring at this point because they get first off it's going to give me no views because whenever i do update reviews they do they are like the worst videos on my channel like the bro let's see um do you ever change a lot for sure uh i'm not on my main guy ahead i'll check later yo thanks bro i appreciate that i'm gonna eventually get there man it says i'm 11 subs away all right 10 subs away bam thanks bro this one stepper okay all right can i please get it try it well uh you have five minutes not enough time for me to get the code oh well what's going on morgues and uh pop scar and a bur uh burr and clay bert bert all right links in the description group don't work uh it's because we're in a public server right now it's enough time i'm not on my watch yo hello it's oof what's good man all right you want another code fluted it's in my head right now all right if you can guess it you can get in all right is that what i think it is six nine seven four three two he's got boy my man shot boy he thought i made him fall for it what a nerd a what a new whoa that's model 8197 that's the guy that's about to hit 100k yeah i know right the creek rate really helped man literally hell i only gained like one suffering okay we don't talk about i'm not really paying attention guys pre-grade no no pre-created all right uh flutie you really want the code all right if i see you advertise the stream to one person you're getting booted off that account in the matter of seconds all right the code is six i mean 806 528 806 528 eight oh six five two eight huh well guess what get a new code all right new code you wanna know the new code it is you know what it is it's six no it's seven six nine eight six three if i see you advertise the one person you're getting booted off that account you got your pc back congrats man yeah we're just streaming late we're test streaming max my pc had a failure to uh turn on earlier today and i had a failure to learn how to stream on youtube and connect to youtube so we are now streaming now all right what's the code for to get him to my discord account now if i see you do one thing on that account blued i will boot yourself off there you don't even think about it i will boot you off i will boot you off i'm not even joking i will boo you off the internet i will boot you off the internet i will literally unplug your pc i literally have it right there the the cord to your pc the main cord of your pc is plugged in right there to that power strip so don't even think about doing it you got so scared dude this guy's getting so scared bro how about i boot him off the internet dude because i know how to do that i know how to do it but i don't bro okay let's see here uh you killed me congrats uh what do you mean don't even what do you mean what do you mean like what do i mean i mean i can boot you off the internet anytime i want with dude just doing a couple things because my pc has more power over yours just kidding they're equal you can probably boot me off too all right let's see if we can get elementary here we do not care all right you're getting booted off hold on one second so let me unplug his pc get ready to say goodbye kids oh man i really wanna i really wanna unplug that i wanna unplug that so bad dude all right let's see you were kidding dude if i were to unplug that it would have also unplugged mine yo benny boldi gaming and redcube welcome to the stream guys what's good we're just doing a test stream so it's kind of the lame stream not enough energy for me to even stream to you honestly just a little bit of a test stream today so yeah that's all we're doing man we're just head streaming because my pc had a failure to turn on this morning and a failure to turn on after school and the failure to connect to youtube live streaming and a failure to reset the stream key so yeah so i didn't go live earlier well i did but then i had like massive drop frames like ten thousand drop frames yeah yo cody what's good man am i late well uh i mean we've been streaming for 24 minutes i don't consider you late but we're just kind of test streaming which i mean i'm not going to be live for too much longer dude can we get a vip server and do a vr i'm a new sub if you're a new sub bro that is amazing uh we can play one br if you want all right we're nine subs away from a roblox giveaway if we do get to the google guys we'll just do the robot see wait tomorrow cause i'll be streaming tomorrow man yo i'm a b what's good man what's good but yeah let's get that sub count up guys let's try to get to 5000 by the end of the month which is in exactly one day um see uh let's see here what's uh what's your cooking state honestly i have no clue you changed your name and nice bro nice thumbnail yeah supreme games made it all right let's see stream bc i don't even have discord open man i don't even have discord open see not even open let's see yo and paul swim to stream bro yo guys do you think we can get nine more dollars this month to get the 500 that'd be pretty cool all right let's see here uh where's roblox even i dude i'm not even my mother i'm probably right now all right let's do br guys we'll go to my vip and do a br sure we'll go to a br we'll do a brmi vip real fast all right let's head to which all right um let me go to regenerate and copy there we go what's the code oh that was just for my discord account you're not getting into my discord account so yeah of course it doesn't show all right guys links going in the roblox group dude links in the roblox group everybody if you guys want to join the server all right if you guys want to join server links in the roblox group all right you hear me guys all right roblox through row blocks a group all right here we go boys here we go it's funny when you do something embarrassing what am i doing that's embarrassing that's my question that is my big fat question all right so good job to serve guys i literally do not know how many people are watching and i don't care how many people watching because it's a test stream so yeah all right let's see here all right let me see here let's explode the wall boys all right all right um are you friends with leon warner or not uh i remember i know who that is but i haven't seen in a while man um yeah let's see here all right there's not enough people for a br we need more people if you guys want to be our man i don't want to spend 10 robux um on like two people sam or i mean excuse me seven people oh man i don't know what to do all right let's see we just spawned this car here i'm cool how many people are actually here i want to know whoops um right here's the stream don't know actually 26 likes is not bad though but yeah imagine we actually got to do the direction of the stream bro that means wait no no all right well guys i think we're going to trap it here guys all right so yeah uh we're just testing anyway i was probably i really i only originally only decided to go live for five minutes i wanted to but i decided yeah i was gonna go i was only gonna go live for like five minutes but it turned into a half hour so yeah uh we're gonna wrap it here guys all right i appreciate all for coming all right um but yeah i'm yeah i don't want to do a br though i'm feeling kind of lazy man we'll be doing br's tomorrow what's on blake preston and i'm cedric we'll do plenty of br's and robux to waste tomorrow guys don't worry okay just come to tomorrow's stream at 3 30 p.m mst we'll do um vrs with the robux giveaways we'll do everything and tomorrow stream guys all right so show up tomorrow to tomorrow's stream all right and all that stuff okay all right let's see i'm staying in lake i'm just test streaming you really want to br you really want to br come on i got you what's going on hermano you really want to be our fine i'm fine if you guys really want to be on i got you you finally reported him thank you i mean it thank you so much okay all right you will never beat me in a million years all right watch well just 1v1 make it one view on me for pete's sake give me this car all right here we go all right this kid thinks he can beat me in 1v1 so let me 1v1 this kid real fast all right oh let's see anything my profile picture yeah really cool man very cool it's 1am right now it's actually 8 o'clock for me but uh yeah uh school of our two last day the week uh we'll be live though today and then the ma well tomorrow actually don't kill me let me just get fluted all right i'll let flutter get equal amount of weapons um uzi shotgun and rifle is what i want you getting all right uzi shotgun rifle and then we'll 1v1 it up all right watch me beat the crap out of him all right all day now clock is ticking all right let's see here but on thursday guys we're gonna do a roblox and minecraft stream so like um probably in the morning at like um 9 30 to like 10 30 or 11 i'll do minecraft and then at like one o'clock maybe i'll go live with some roblox and some robux giveaways all right yo mr andrew what's good man uh will you do a house tour or something maybe one then maybe one day man that'd be very rare that if i do all right come to the top of the just come to the top of this mountain all right if anybody there's this you do they will be banned affordable and ever huh i can't hear you when you whisper i literally can't hear you all right so just speak up please and thank you and come on i don't have all day i will always waiting on this kid like in real life too always waiting on this kid if i die i honestly do not care at this point he's yep i died all right all right yeah okay cool all right guys flu dude was taking too long he was fooling around don't know what he was doing um all right guys so we're gonna ride the stream here guys all right appreciate everybody for coming out we'll be live at tomorrow at 3 30 p.m mst guys all right we're gonna be doing uh some fun stuff there guys all right we're gonna be doing robux giveaways because we're only what how many subs are we win we're like 10 subs away dude from a robux giveaway guys all right so just show up to tomorrow's stream we're gonna give away some robux guys all right i know everybody loves robux so come to the stream then uh we'll be playing beyond all that stuff right we're not subs away guys all right so um we'll be live though tomorrow guys um i don't want to rate anybody uh it's fine um but yeah i can't hear you when you whisper so just stop god let's see here you're on the second row am i really dude for reals um i am on the second one that's pretty cool man who this guy right here if this guy's playing jailbreak i'm reading him if he's playing jailbreak i'm ready i'm just playing jailbreak i'm writing him all right bye-bye all right hey guys we're gonna raid this guy right here all right we're gonna read that guy right there go to shout out hashtag a new brain in the shout guys all right uh i know it's short stream but it was just a test stream uh i'll see you guys all tomorrow um 3 30 p.m mst with some roblox giveaways and some jailbreak br mini games all that stuff all right so let's see his reaction guys because why not i want to see his reaction all right this guy okay he does speak okay good fernando all right nice to know that you were in the chat man without even me knowing you right in the chat guys let's see it also like the stream all right all right let's see you guys let's see it cool okay everybody knew right in this chat okay surprisingly for the amount of people i had on that's quite a big rate should be more though yo jrd was good man no it's it's fine man it's fine dude we'll be left tomorrow all right 3 30 p.m mst with robo suit ways in jailbreak all right man don't worry about it man all right we'll see you then man all right so i'll see you guys all later peace out bye guys


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